’nahgenuss’ is an online platform for the direct marketing and holistic utilisation of organic meat and fish. It is a well-known problem that farmers usually do not get a fair price for their products and often do not have the time, money or talent to market them directly. This is where ‘nahgenuss’ comes into play, with the aim of making things simpler again – and at the same time more efficient and transparent, which translates into a better price and more appreciation for farmers’ work. ‘Everyone wins’ is not just an empty phrase here – it really is the business model. With new technological means, cooperation at eye level and a social entrepreneurial self-perception, ‘nahgenuss’ also manages to bring another truth into the 21st century that has almost been forgotten with traditional agriculture – that we eat animals, and what that means for us as humans – this is what the ‘organic pork in a jar’ stands for.
nahgenuss web service KG, from 2016

In cooperation with BIO ZENTRUM Graz Grottenhof, Biohof Krautgartner With thanks to the agricultural college Grottendorf (Maria Bauer, Elias Brauchart, Anna Seidl, Elfi Stangl) and other the supporters Irene Strasser
(Bezirksbehörde Graz Umgebung), Markus Knaus (ALLES Events), HYGIENICUM GmbH, Etivera Verpackungstechnik GmbH.