
(surprising) chrysalis, 2021
Zita Oberwalder


Through the medium of photography, Zita Oberwalder regularly creates narrative pictorial spaces that are ‘read’ as one walks. Here, too, a rhythmically positioned sequence of images showing archi-tectural details and room sections creates a poetic whole in the interplay between wall, image title, text fragment and the viewer’s own movement. Oberwalder has reacted specifically to the subject of cross-laminated timber, but her contribution extends far beyond the content of each picture. Like a musical scale, the multi-part arrangement forms in the reflection of the orange-brown tone in the surprising title (the fruit chrysalis, or cape gooseberry) as well as from the interior spaces. The result is an evocation of spaces that can be felt beyond the documentary record as an echo of one’s own experiences and dreams. (Kindergarten Stallhofen, Winzerhaus St. Nikolai im Sausal, Gardens, Musikerheim Stallhofen: Architect, Gerhard Mitterberger. Show Case Prisker Horniman, London)

Text quote: Gaston Bachelard, Poetik des Raumes, Frankfurt am Main 1987