
SoLaKo – Solidarische LandwirtschaftsKooperative (solidarity farming cooperative), farms in western and eastern Styria and also distribution points in Graz, from 2013


SoLaKo is a collective of four farms, an apiary and an association of ‘harvest sharers’ who want to further develop the idea of solidarity-based farming (SoLaWi, or CSA for community supported agriculture). In CSA, consumers finance production on ‘their farm’, they can have a say in what is produced and how, and can also play an active role – in other words, they are partners who share with the farms the yield and the risk, but above all the desire for diverse small-scale farming and good food. What makes SoLaKo special is that very different farms cooperate here and can concentrate on the production of diversity, while the harvest-sharers take care of their regional distribution – a unique, community-supported economic system beyond the market and a textbook example of ‘food sovereignty’. The SoLaKo honey was collected by the bees on the participating farms – reflecting their solidarity.