
SPLITTERWERK FORDERN NEUBAUSTOPP (SPLITTERWERK demand a halt to new construction), 2021


SPLITTERWERK claim to have spotted people carrying signs at six different places in Graz so far. Their corrugated cardboard placards bore the inscriptions ‘SPLITT’, ‘ERWER’, ‘K FORD’, ‘ERN N’, ‘EUBAU’ and ‘STOP’. Placards and people are the physical part of SPLITTERWERK’s performative, mobile and ephemeral social sculpture. Since 1988, the collective’s transdisciplinary approach has focused on questions of spatial, social and ecological transformation. The virtual part – WWW.SPLITTERWERK-FORDERN-NEU-BAUSTOPP.AT – demands an immediate halt to construction and deconstruction zones. In a strikingly simple way, the installation of re- and upcycled materials changes its aggregate state – it shifts from public space to a documentation of itself in art spaces. As a tower made of folded boxes, it protects its message inside as an archive, but remains a social sculpture.